<aside> 🗓️ Book with me here


<aside> 💲 Price: $225/person Submit payment here


<aside> ⌚ Hours: 3 hours



  1. Wheel throwing lessons from beginner to advanced throwing. Intermediate to advanced throwers will benefit greatly by learning how to alter forms and achieve desired shapes.
  2. Advanced trimming techniques that include ways to trim tricky forms including narrow-necked vases.
  3. Private workshops: max. 10 participants (Inquire with Dara on pricing)

Artwork Samples

DSC_0008 - Dara Schuman.jpeg

DSC_0079 - Dara Schuman.JPG

DSCF9792 - Dara Schuman.JPG

DSC_0443 - Dara Schuman.jpeg

IMG_2046 - Dara Schuman.JPG

Artist Statement

I have been throwing for about 10 years and have been a full time ceramic artist since 2021. I specialize in throwing tall, narrow cylinders which I greatly alter and shape. I also have advanced skills in trimming work, especially vases with tall, narrow necks that are difficult to center on a wheel and trim.